For Muslim employee acceptance of Japanese companies

Why pray? For Muslim employee acceptance of Japanese companies Mr. T Now Muslims that exceed the fraction of the world's population (Muslims). It reported comes a lot of people of Muslim living in Japan. Aunee I agree. I am mainly carried out the introduction of marketing or work to Malaysia of job seekers, but Malaysia who want to work in Japan is often! In particular, the inquiry for a job that does not require the Japanese has been flooded. Mr. T Indeed, Jobs Kaa that does not require the Japanese. (This is hard-but I wish ... likely) aside the talk of job openings Well, I think that will also advance more and more acceptance of future Japan as a whole and the Japanese company of Muslims. I've come so forced situation. By the way, do you have a point that should be considered at the time to accept the Muslim graduates as employees? How do you support at the time to adopt a Muslim (Muslim) employees. What do I need to consider? Aunee Japanese companies when to accept the Muslim employees, I think that hear about this.